360 Spin Cam

Platform 360

Classic Design for Every Event!

Platform 360

3-4 guests at a time
Photos and 360 Videos
Sharing Station to text images to guest phones
Digital gallery of images after the event
Unlimited Number of uses during your event
Custom overlay on images and cool sound track too!
Easily fits into most venue spaces…
$995 for your event (up to 5 hours of use)


Overhead 360

More guests, more fun - We’ll include the Mirror Ball….

Overhead 360

Lots of folks at once, easy to access - no step up
Photos and 360 Videos
Sharing Station to text images to guest phones
Digital gallery of images after the event
Unlimited number of uses during event
Custom overlay on images and cool sound track too!
Requires more floor space at venue than our Platform 360
… We’ll bring the Mirror Ball
$1395 for your event (up to 5 hours of use)